Desde el que lidera Izaskun se acusa al grupo contrario de falta de legitimidad al no tener entre sus filas a la fundadora de la banda. No pidas más, no digas más, no sé dar más. Quien pudiera hacer nido en tu pelo, quien pudiera morirse de amor. El diario 20 Minutos recoge algunas de las declaraciones que se han cruzado los miembros entre s recientemente. Lyrics of No Pidas Más by Amaya Uranga: No pidas más que ya no sé qué darte.

Amaya performed from a wheelchair in 2011 after breaking her femur. El irrespirable clima blico entre las dos Mocedades, que se acusan de fraude mutuamente.

She has also appeared as herself many times on Spanish-language television shows. In the mid-1990s, Uranga joined a new band called El Consorcio. Uranga left Mocedades in 1984 to pursue a solo career, although she failed to surpass her success in Mocedades. She was lead singer on many of Mocedades' most successful songs, such as the international smash hit "Eres Tú" and "Tómame o Déjame." Solo career This group lasted for a while until they joined. From young age, she played the guitar and sang in school festivals along with her sisters Izaskum and Estibaliz in a trio called 'Las hermanas Uranga'. Eso me ayuda a conocer tus gustos y así poder subir nuevos contenidos. After numerous group changes, Uranga together with her sister Izaskun, her brother Roberto, and three other male members became the so-called "historic six" members of Mocedades who came second in the 1973 Eurovision Song Contest with the song " Eres Tú", and the band subsequently launched a hugely successful music career in Spain and Latin America. Born in Bilbao, in 1947, the eldest daughter of the Uranga's family has been one of the best Spanish singers worldwide recognized. Estuvimos presentes en la rueda de prensa que el día de hoy dieron, en donde nos dijeron el amor tan especial que tienen por Méxi. Si te gustó el vídeo o la música o ambas cosas, por favor dale a 'pulgar arriba'. Uranga formed Mocedades in 1969 with eight members. QU PAS CON AMAYA URANGA La voz lder de MocedadesOtros videos que te pueden interesar ASI VIVE JEAN CARLOS CENTENO VOCALISTA DEL BINOMIO DE OROhttps.

She is a cousin of director Pablo Berger. Amaya Uranga Amezaga (born 18 February 1947) is a Spanish singer from Bilbao, best known for the 15 years she spent as a member of the Basque folk/pop sextet Mocedades.